Saturday 19 May 2012

Looking back on my time in high school..

If I give any piece of advice to my followers on tumblr/twitter/blogspot it is to live in the moment.

You hear it a billion times from dozens of people but it's so damn true. Tell that guy you like him. Ask that girl to a romantic date. Stand up to that bully. Buy that top you've been wanting for weeks. FUCKING KISS HIM! If I regret anything from my hormonal teens thus far, it would be not taking the chances I should've done. There will always be "what If"s, so the one thing I have to say to you is to true to reduce the amount of them you have. Once you break down the walls you put up between yourself and going for what you want, you're so much happier.

We all have dreams. If you really want to go for them, be ruthless and spontaneous. The rest will follow.

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