Saturday 21 January 2012


So it was my best friend's birthday meal tonight and I can quite frankly say that it was one of the most pleasant evenings I've ever had.

To be frank, I didn't know many people that well who were going so I was freaking out before hand, but turns out everybody was so great and nice to me. It was just an evening full of banter and talking. No getting drunk, no sly remarks, just a really nice dinner.

This has got me thinking about birthdays in general. These days with our modern society, many of us feel obliged to be celebrating their birthdays with flamboyancy. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with this, however I find that people feel the need to celebrate their birthdays with massive parties with alcohol, weed and music playing so loudly, you can't get a decent's conversation in edge ways.

This is a shame as teenagers are till teenagers. We are so young yet we throw away a real time of celebration to hangovers and drunken mistakes. What this world needs is a younger generation whom can hold a civilised event and not feel the need to dance on tables.

I believe everybody should learn from what I've experienced tonight, in which you don't have to be drunk to have a good time.

On that note, I bid you all a good night.

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