Sunday 22 January 2012


So todays turn of events led to me dropping out of the NSPCC charity events, the chance of a lifetime.
However it got me thinking about commitment in general.

In my case, my commitment was to attend rehearsals every time I was asked, to be on time, to learn the dance thoroughly and to perform it tomorrow. However, events can make valuing commitment harder. In my case, this was distance, mocks, other commitments and work.

We all have different commitments and we all try to live up to them but no matter how much you value a commitment, something will come up and test how strong is your word. It's hard and sad to say that I put these obstacles of higher importance over others sometimes but this is what people do. We sub-sconsciouisly have a priority list and if something doesn't qualify then it won't be on your mind for very long.

This is not saying that the charity event wasn't on my priority list. Nether the less this can be associated with many things. Friendships, work, relationships, etc. Though sometimes we all do need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Look and understand how you may feel like something is not on your priorites, but it could be on somebody else's. And by pushing this commitment aside, you could be letting down a lot of other people.

So today I leave you with this message. It is not to ignore your sub-conscious minds over making decisions, but to understand that every action has a reaction. And by not honouring a commitment could have serious effects on others.

Happy Sunday.

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