Monday 23 January 2012


Most people believe that suicide is the most selfish way to die. Contrary to popular belief, I believe this statement it's self to be selfish.

Let's start with the basics. Most people believe that suicide is selfish as killing yourself affects the people who are remained alive to morn. This may be more widely believed when it comes to jumping in front of trains, tubes, buses, cars etc. However I believe that suicide is not a selfish act, but a thoughtful act.

Somebody with suicidal thoughts would have these thoughts for a long time. Triggers that make them think of these things and the treatment from others surrounding this person can have a huge impact on how important they perceive their lives. Most people commit suicide to get away from the pains of live. These pains are usually pursued by being selfless and thinking of other peoples happiness rather than their own. Because of this theory, suicide is not selfish.

In fact, it is the one time where human beings such as these take their life into their own hands and do what they think is best for them. WOuld you really have somebody suffer eternal depression, anxiety and pain until 82, or would you rather let them be happy in the after life?

Please understand that I do not recommend or advertise suicide to anybody. In fact, I'm always here for anybody who needs to talk about how they feel. I was in a suicidal position only half a year ago, and I'm still here. Anybody who needs somebody to talk to, or advise then just send an anonymous comment here or on my tumblr.

To conclude, I believe that people shouldn't be so quick to judge others. Especially people with thoughts of suicide, and commenting on how selfish they are. This, after all, is one of the major triggers to depression in our modern day society. If one suicidal person heres you saying that, it could cause anxiety beyond measures. Trust me ladies and gentlemen. I know from experience.

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