Sunday 26 February 2012

The email I sent to John Green,

So, John Green doesn't reply to emails. I wrote this, knowing I'd never get an answer but apparently he reads through all of his fan mail so, as you can probably guess, there is a theme of hope that he may, one day, reply to this. John, If you're reading this, please reply.

Dear Mr Green,

My name is Jessica Hinds, I'm fifteen going on sixteen and I'm from Croydon, South London, England, The United Kingdom, Europe, The World, Our Solar System, The Milky Way, Our Universe. Hello.

Before I go into any in-depth details, I must stress that I have only read two and a half of your books (looking for Alaska, Paper Towns and I'm currently reading The Fault in Our Stars). Now here comes the fangirl bit: 

I think I'm in love with you. As a writer. I absolutely love the way you write, the way your characters connect emotionally with the reader, the symbolism in your books (whether this be consciously or subconsciously) and I adore everything about your books I've read thus far. It is, therefore, abundantly obvious that you are my favourite author. 

I do read a lot of books. For christmas, I received roughly fifteen books in total and I put them all on hold for yours. 

Though I read on your website that you never reply to emails, I felt a strong need to send this. Nether the less, in hope that you will one day, come across it in your spam or junk folder and stumble upon my ever so slightly creepy fan-talk. By side effect of reading "The Fault in our Stars" in so much depth and alternating between laughing and crying at such velocity I can't bare it, I thought I'd take a leaf out of Hazel's book (literally) and contact the author of (thus far) one of my all time favourite books after just bypassing chapter 10 barely a few minutes ago.

Since you probably do get a lot of emails about this stuff, I'm not expecting a reply but I'd still like to ask you a few questions over TFIOS, Paper Towns and Looking for Alaska.

1) In The Fault in our Stars, is there actual symbolism behind Augustus' last name being "Waters" (as it seems water is the element damaging Hazel), "Wish" having a capital "W" even in mid sentence? And does the line "I never saw the swing set again" kick start a new emotional journey for Hazel? (SInce I have not finished the look, I do realise I may need to in order to analyse it in full depth. I am a keen English student so I do enjoy this process after finishing a book.)

2) May I just take the opportunity to congratulate you on the achievement in forcing me to absolutely despise Margo in "Paper Towns", whilst also except what she wants to do with her life and also feel a massive loss in the inner depths of my soul from removing my super glued fingers from the book. May I also question why and how you have done this? Also, what happens to Margo? Does she go to University after the Summer? Does she forget about Florida completely? What happens to Margo and Quentin as a couple? Do they get married? DO they remain just friends? I NEED ANSWERS!

3) Finally, Looking for Alaska. The first book that made me actually, feel. I am, as a matter of fact, a huge fan of Harry Potter but even those books never moved me like Looking for Alaska did. I admire how you made me, as a reader, feel a personal loss. For instance, the chapter of Alaska's funeral, I honestly felt like I was there. In  a way, when Alaska passed away, so did  my innocence. I never knew my Mum's parents when they died ( as I was only three years old) and it felt like Alaska was one of my best friends. With these two factors working together, I felt such despair when she died. Honestly and truthfully, I felt as if I had lost somebody in real life. I read the book from 6pm til 5am on a Monday night and since I read the last few words, I've always wanted to ask you: How did you do that? How did you create such a character in which I could easily build an emotional attachment to and then create such a loss I simply could not bare. 

To conclude my, almost essay like, emotional retelling of my feelings towards your books, I'd just like to add that your reference to Shakespeare in TFIOS was, to me, mind blowing and you are an actual genius. As a long-term Shakespeare fanatic, it just goes to show that you can easily incorporate classic moments in literature history in a modern tale. Thank you for stealing away my precious GCSE studying hours with your fabulously amazingly wonderful novels.

Yours forever faithfully as a truly undying fan,
Jessica Hinds


  1. You have to finish The Fault In Our Stars it is AMAZING!

  2. What is his email? (if you wouldnt mind sharing. IM abselutely dying to contact him after reading his book.

  3. That was really well written! And could you tell us his email address?

  4. i have to know what his email is or else i will die

  5. Hey! Could you tell me what his email address is? I'd really like to let him know how much I loved TFIOS. I was actually twisting and turning about all night thinking about the book and couldn't get a minute of sleep. So I'd really really like to know his email address. Thanks. :)

  6. Hey¡ I need his email please. I need to tell him how he means to me. I need his email. If you give me his email, I would be very grateful with you. Thank you¡ I hope you can understand how important is his email for me. xx

  7. First off, how did you get his email? I know his personal is not on the web, so just an explanation would be nice and then revealing your big secret would be icing on the cake. Thanks

  8. Did you happen to use an email from his contact page? Or perhaps a different one? Much like everyone else, I'd love to know his email address.

  9. How long did it take him to reply back if he did?

  10. I sent him an email and want to know if he will reply.

  11. Im LINKLETTER. I wrote something about mirrors and windows .. I wanted to send it toJG and need your help..

  12. Im LINKLETTER. I wrote something about mirrors and windows .. I wanted to send it toJG and need your help..

  13. Hi all,
    can you please give up on the email requests... if John Green wished for you to contact him using his personal email then he would have put it online for everyone to see. Just respect his personal life and use the email addresses that he has actually given (ie. through his agency or whatever access the following URL for these: ...) Thanks

  14. Hi all,
    can you please give up on the email requests... if John Green wished for you to contact him using his personal email then he would have put it online for everyone to see. Just respect his personal life and use the email addresses that he has actually given (ie. through his agency or whatever access the following URL for these: ...) Thanks

  15. Dear John Gren , my name is Janiele , I live in Brazil and I'm 15 years old. I read " The fault is of the stars " and fell in love , seriously, this story is perfect for me " The Fault in Our Stars " is the best novel I already read, I too love this book, and John you're my best writer , my favorite ! believe I love you very much , I hope that one day read this and answer me , I need you to tell me at least one " hi " ! love you forever !

  16. Dear John Gren , my name is Janiele , I live in Brazil and I'm 15 years old. I read " The fault is of the stars " and fell in love , seriously, this story is perfect for me " The Fault in Our Stars " is the best novel I already read, I too love this book, and John you're my best writer , my favorite ! believe I love you very much , I hope that one day read this and answer me , I need you to tell me at least one " hi " ! love you forever !

  17. the thing you feel about looking for alaska is exactly what I feel

  18. I am totally obsessed with the book and the movie. TFIOS and Looking for Alaska had me crying. After finishing the story I thought I have to meet John Green someday. Idek how to honour him. His stories are the best from what I've ever read honestly. Aaand I love him as a great author.

  19. For everyone wanting to know John Greens email. If you go to his website, then to the contact tab, at the bottom are little bubbles. One is an envelope, click it. If that doesn't work.
