Friday 24 February 2012

The Prologue.

I'm writing a short story. It'll probably only end up about a few pages long when typed. I have this idea but I'm not sure if it's good or not. I decided to write a prologue and see how it goes down here. Comments would be helpful!

He loved Journey.  Especially the song "Don't stop believing". Considering he was indeed a city boy, not necessarily born and raised in south Detroit, he felt he could relate to the song. He prayed the midnight train would come for him that night but the street stayed silent from the hours of 2am until 7am.

He didn't usually get sleep on Friday nights. He'd prefer to be out and about with friends, needless to say, if he had any. But he wasn't too hung up on this. Over the years he adapted to the loneliness. In his first year of high school he worked out a method to craftily avoid every fifth year bully before break time. He managed to achieve this everyday throughout his first year and was proud of this, until break time came. Every day. 

Nobody knew why he was continuously bullied, his mother was baffled when on the first day of school, he came home with a black eye. Yet as time went on, she grew almost accustomed to these marks. After visiting the head more than five times, she gave up. 

I believe you should never give up on somebody as that's when it all starts to go wrong. As soon as his mother stopped noticing the bruises, she stopped noticing the cuts, the burns and the fear in her little boy's eyes each morning which was too painful to  acknowledge, let alone to look at. I suppose the next time she noticed him was when he was diagnosed. She couldn't stand it. Having to look at her boy, her broken boy, and seeing horror. 

She took her life in 1998. It was a beautiful March day. She chose her time well.


Since the age of thirteen, she was doomed to roam the earth as "Buchwald's very own CRAZY CAT LADY". So you can probably assume from this information that she had a lot of cats. Incorrect, she had one, and he was her best friend. Cats always appealed to her more than dogs. Maybe because cats don't question ones authority or ones judgement. Cats are just as intellectual as dogs, and they live longer. Bonus!

Don't get me wrong, she had many friends at school. She was even considered "popular" until her third year of high school when a picture of her kissing her best friend was televised around the entire school. Since then she never found solace in real people. To her, humans were unreliable, judgemental and could easily be compared to the Barbie and Ken dolls she possessed at the age of six. 

Of course, when she turned sixteen, her best friend died. That's when she lost faith in God, humanity and her life. A single cat may not seem like a big deal, but compare that one cat to your own best friend. Feline or human, a friend is a friend; and after being put through a loss such as this one, she became clinically depressed.

Her medication never helped, but it kept her numb. And she was satisfied with this.

He rolled out of the wrong side of the bed and glared at his New Kids on the Block alarm clock. Seven am and he hadn't had a wink of sleep. As per usual he hadn't managed to fall asleep from being tortured by his thoughts. These usually revolved around his late mother, his treatment, his non-existent father and Journey chords he had learnt on the piano hours previously...

She sat on the edge of the bathtub and stared at the orange cylindrical case containing twenty-two or so black and white pills. Ironic, she thought, As depression is usually associated with seeing a black and white society. Nether the less, after starring longingly at the prescribed box, she tucked them neatly into her pocket. She wanted a new start. Who could blame her...

...But today was a special day, for  today was the day he'd meet the girl who changed everything.

...She'd be starting university today and had no idea who God had installed to save her.

His name was Anthony and her name was Eliza.
Their life at Servo University for academic excellence had just begun.

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